Quality repairs & service
Office looking sharp
24hr Towing Service
Serving Inverell & surrounds
Every car receives a clean prior to pick up.
Workshop looking schmick!
We can handle nasty collisions...
Driving out looking new
Working hard
Small car, big spray booth
Waiting for the lads to do some work...
Water separator for our Wash Bay
Wash Bay ready & waiting
Free car wash for private and insurance claims
Newest addition
Ready to drive home
Panel beating and respray...
So it looks new again
Great days ahead!
No matter how deep the hit...
We can repair it!
We can do a perfect colour match or you can select a new colour from our extensive range
Many vehicles accumulate rust over time...
We can solve that problem!
All ready to be resprayed...
Just look at that reflection!
Stripped, ready for repair...
The boys replacing the panel
Average looking trailer with rust and rough paint...
Rust removed, resprayed and looking sharp!